日和ホテル 大阪なんば駅前

About effect of Noto Peninsula earthquake 1st January 2024

We extend our heartfelt condolences to those who lost their lives in the Noto peninsula Earthquake of the 1st January 2024, and we express our deepest sympathies to all those affected by the disaster.

Fortunately, our region has not suffered significant damage, and all businesses are operating as usual. We would like to inform you that our hotel is unaffected, and we continue to operate normally.

At our hotel, we remain committed to prioritizing the safety and well-being of our guests. Please rest assured that we are taking all necessary measures to ensure a safe and secure environment. We welcome you to visit us with confidence.

We, the entire staff, sincerely look forward to welcoming you to the Hiyori Hotel Osaka Namba Station.

Best regards,

Masahiro Hamada

General Manager

Hiyori Hotel Osaka Namba Station

2024년 노토반도지진으로 희생된 분들께 삼가 조의를 표하는 동시에 피해를 입은 여러분께 진심으로 위로의 말씀을 드립니다.
저희 지역은 다행히 큰 피해 없이 모든 곳이 정상적으로 영업이 되고 있음을 전해드립니다.
당 호텔에서는 계속해서 고객의 안심·안전을 최우선으로 임하고 있으므로, 부디 안심하시고 내관해 주십시오.
손님여러분의 내관을 전 직원 한 마음으로 기다리고 있습니다.

히요리호텔 오사카 난바스테이션 지배인 하마다 마사히로

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