日和ホテル 大阪なんば駅前

Disaster prevention status

We would like to extend our heartfelt sympathy to everyone affected by the recent earthquake in Miyazaki Prefecture. Although the Nankai Trough Earthquake Emergency Information (Warning of a Major Earthquake) has been lifted today, our hotel remains committed to prioritizing the safety and security of our guests, and we will continue to stay vigilant in preparing for any emergencies.

We understand that you may feel uneasy during your stay. However, we are fully dedicated to alleviating your concerns as much as possible, so you can enjoy your time at our hotel. Our entire staff is committed to ensuring your safety and peace of mind.

We would like to provide you with information regarding the potential impact of earthquakes and tsunamis on our hotel and the measures we have taken to prepare for such events.

Our hotel, which opened in May 2019, is a newly constructed building that meets the latest earthquake-resistant standards. It has been designed to withstand significant seismic events without sustaining major damage (constructed with steel framing and concrete). Additionally, regarding tsunami risks, our hotel is located at an elevation of 2.7 meters, and according to Osaka City’s flood hazard map, the area is not expected to be affected by tsunamis.

In preparation for emergencies, we conduct earthquake drills every three months, simulating scenarios involving up to 500 people within the hotel. Each guest room is equipped with an in-house broadcasting system, and in the event of an emergency, our staff will provide announcements and guide you to safety.

Should a situation arise where a power outage occurs or road conditions deteriorate, making it impossible to leave the hotel, we have emergency supplies similar to those prepared for typhoons. These include bottled water and food items (the food will be sourced from our restaurant’s stock). The hotel is equipped with emergency power supplies, and we also have portable gas stoves as a backup, ensuring that we can provide basic meals for a few days. Our front desk is equipped with an AED, a basic first-aid kit, emergency evacuation bags (including a megaphone, flashlights, and a multi-functional emergency radio), portable toilets, and blankets.

In addition to the above measures, as part of our Business Continuity Planning (BCP), we have strengthened our partnerships with suppliers and contractors to ensure the swift recovery of our operations in the event of a disaster.

We understand that staying with us under such circumstances may cause you to feel anxious. However, we are fully committed to alleviating your concerns and ensuring your safety and peace of mind, allowing you to enjoy your stay at our hotel.

We wish you a safe journey and look forward to welcoming you at our hotel.

Masahiro Hamada  General Manager 

Hiyori Hotel Osaka Namba Station

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